Thursday, August 5, 2010


We took Elder Mamba to Sitiki, his homestead, where his Auntie raised him, in the African traditions the oldest son and the youngest son stay with the father and his wives, all the other boys have to leave, so Elder Mamba went to live with his mother's sister. These pictures are a true depiction of his life there. The homes are made from sticks, mud and grass. They sustain themselves with home gardening and raising their livestock, sounds like our country in the 1800's. Auntie Phila was very happy to see us and see how well her nephew is doing, a previous missionary couple paid for his clothes and all his paperwork for his visa to leave Swaziland. His mission is to South Africa, Johannesburg. We drove him around the area to say goodbye to friends and teachers. Elder Mamba a did not want to just disappear or as he said "appear to have run away", without letting everyone know what he was going to do. A very rewarding day for us.
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