Friday, October 7, 2011

Boy with broken arm

Elder Blackburn went to Manzini today to give Elder Maring a driving test (to make sure he really can drive safely) and he really can.  All new Elders have to wait one month and then pass a driving experience with Elder Blackburn before they are allowed to be behind the wheel.  These young Elders are given a full size 4 wheel drive truck and told, "there it is don't damage it."  The African Elders have barely gotten a license or have paid for one without driving school.  The American Elders do really well, but a big truck with lots of power in the hands of a 19 to 20 year old.  Accidents will happen.  The American Elders accept their accidents and move on, the African Elders agonize over breaking the Lord's vehicle and it takes a long time for them to forgive themselves.  They really know the value of having your own transportation.  We were fixing dinner and the telephone rang, Elder Musau was on the phone and related that someone had fallen out of a tree and was not moving, we thought it was his companion, Elder Brown and our hearts just stopped until Elder Musau could explain, so we could understand, that a young boy had fallen and needed attention, so we told him we would come meet them.  They were up a dirt road several miles, they needed permission to put the boy and his mother in the truck and take them to the hospital in Mbabane so we told them it would be alright and we led them to the hospital in Mbabane, about 30 minutes away.  When we got there and were going to leave the boy's mother was going to leave him and have us take her back home so she could have a free ride.  Elder Blackburn gave her enough money for transportation (about 4.00 dollars).  Then the Doctor wanted a slip of paper from somewhere else in the hospital before he would look at the boy so Elder Blackburn and the Elders went to another room and the attendant wanted 50 rand for the paper and Elder Blackburn told him no and when he was insisting Elder Blackburn told him, "do you want me to just take him back and put him in the field where we found him?"  So the attendant wrote "owes 20 rand on the top of the paper.  Anyway, we left the paper with the mother, left her at the hospital with a way to get home for her and her son and we came home, the Elders went back to their teaching appointments.  All is well!!

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