Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ezulwini Chapel and Zone Conference

08 Dec 2011
Some followers of this blog would like to see the Ezulwini chapel, here are some pictures on the progression of the construction.

The Ezulwini saints are really grateful and enjoy their new building - they are so grateful to no longer be meeting in the school.  Today has been a rest day. The weekend and trip to New Castle was a tiring trip - so today we did laundry and took naps.  Nice day.

07 Dec 2011
Today was the New Castle and Swaziland Zone Conference and Christmas dinner.  All young Elders were given a new tie, dinner was a delicious ham dinner which the Senior couples prepared, Elder and Sister Blackburn ordered 4 prepared hams and baked 5 cakes, Sister and Elder Ward prepared "funeral potatoes" and rolls with butter, Sister and Elder Hudson prepared green beans and waldorf salad.  It was a wonderful feast with everyone getting completely full.  Elder and Sister Bert Cook were there touring the mission with President and Sister Von Stetten; Elder and Sister Cook gave good instruction in "not putting yourself first' and teaching so that investigators will stay active and build Zion.  It was a very instructive and uplifing Conference.  We were able to see missionaries who had previously served in Swaziland, some who are going home this next transfer

Sister Ward, Sister Blackburn, Sister Hudson

Swaziland Zone - Elder and Sister Cook, 1st Quorum of Seventy, President and Sister Von Stetten.

Elder Gondo - Going home next transfer

                                                                      Elder Smth - Going home next transfer
Elder Denning - Going home just after us.
We brought Elders Jenks and Tameilau back to Swaziland with us and got back right about 7:00 pm, at least we did not have to drive in the dark.  The rest of our Elders arrived back about 9:00 pm, the mall was just too great a temptation, at least they left in time to get through the border post before it closed for the night.

05 Dec 2011
4 couples from Johannesburg came to Swaziland for R&R, then Elder and Sister Heninger called they had come to Swaziland with Elder and Sister Roberts - both are Public Affairs missionaries, they were on their way to Mozambique for something or other.  We had a wonderful day with all these missionaries then went to dinner at Calabash.  Everyone bought souvenirs to send home and we had tons of laughter and good fellowship. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the pictures of the Ezulwini amazing it is to see the Lord's work progress over the last three years. Some day, soon we hope, Swaziland will be a stake. What a great service you are to the Swaziland saints.
