Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today, Portia Khoza and her friend Maguga came to our house to learn how to bake brownies, Sister Blackburn explained that this would be a "girls day" and movies would be watched.  The girls picked The Lake House and The King and I.  They took their brownies home and want to set another "girls day".  Elder Blackburn had a lot of errands, he met with Joseph Moekuena from the Area Office to get visas set for all the missionaries in Swaziland and the Area Office will pay for them instead of the Durban Mission, that will make life much simpler for all Missionaries in Swaziland when he got back the movies were almost over and we took the girs with Sister Maguga's children to their home, they were happy to not have to find a Kombi.  A fun  productive day for all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elder and Sister Blackburn,
    I don't know if you will see this comment, but I am grateful that you are keeping a blog of your mission because I frequently go to your blog to check up on what is going on in Swaziland. Thank you so much for your service and for looking out for our sons when necessary. My son is Elder Peirce and he LOVES Swaziland sooooo much!
    Mallory Peirce
