Sunday, July 31, 2011

31 July 2011

31 July 2011
Today is the 50th anniversay of my baptism, I cannot believe how much I have learned and am still learning about the gospel of Jesus Christ; I am so grateful for my testimony and to be a member of this Church and to have the knowledge I have.  My hope is that my children and grandchildren, great grandchildrent, etc. will  continue in the faith and obtain all the blessings their Heavenly Father has for them.  We had good meetings in Church today, Branch Conference in Manzini and President and Sister Simelane were on better terms with each other and seem to be doing ok.  That was good to see.  The Elders had two baptisms, Elder Peirce baptised a 14 year old young man and Elder Sakpaku baptised an older woman.  They both shared really sweet testimonies.  The Elders then drove Sister Blackburn home while Elder Blackburn attended to his District Meetings and she had a delightful lunch with the Manzini Elders.

We are always surprised at what the women will/must carry and they put it on their heads.  This was in Manzini yesterday.
This woman could hardly carry her load. One heavy load on her head and the rest to carry with her hands.  This was in Manzini yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 50th...I also celebrated mine on our mission. It seems like sharing the blessings of the gospel is a good way to thank the Lord for the blessings received from being led to the only true and living church.
